ATM / Gear / Telescope

Trixie Dob conversion, making progress

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I’ve moved into the CNC part of the program on the Dob base. I started with an easy one. The rocker bottom just needed a countersunk hole for the pivot bolt. It […]


ATM / Gear / Telescope

Trixie Dob conversion — CNC parts laid out

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I did a little bit of cleanup on the parts (I cut the rocker sides down and chopped the bearings in half, and did some sanding). Most of the rest of the […]


ATM / Gear / Telescope

Trixie Dob conversion – getting underway

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I have been playing around with the numbers on a Dob base for Tirixie. My design requirement was to try to keep the conversion down to stuff that could be cut out […]


ATM / Gear / Mount / Telescope

Veronica Dob conversion

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Veronica is now a Dob/Equatorial Newtonian! I have been wanting to do this for years. I am forever sitting around on a nice night, camera cranking away on the mount shooting something, […]


Gear / General / Maintenance / Mount

NJP maintenance update – coming back together

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I gave Takahashi America a week off of NJP updates. When I called them today for an update, they said that the part that’s in Japan is complete and in transit back […]


ATM / Gear / General / Observing Reports / Telescope

Trixie rebuild 2011 – first light

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With the OTA all together, I spent some time collimating. With Cheshire collimation complete, I tried the autocollimator again. I totally lucked out! The two images that you are supposed to line […]


ATM / Gear / Telescope

Trixie rebuild 2011 – OTA is complete

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Trixie’s new OTA is complete. It took some hard work this weekend, but the new design is a pretty beast. It’s like a testament to the power of trigonometry. I’m excited to […]


ATM / Gear / Mount

Trixie rebuild 2011, day 6 – fits and starts to the finish line

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Trixie’s new OTA is complete. I woke up this morning with a significant to-do list. I had to complete the LTA clamps, cut the LTA tubes to length, and construct the LTA. […]


ATM / Gear / Telescope

Trixie rebuild 2011, day 5.5 – lower tube assembly clamps

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Armed with the final measurements, I started prototyping the lower tube clamps. The angle is really extreme on the lowers. I wonder if I had gone to 4 rings if maybe I […]


ATM / Gear / Telescope

Trixie rebuild 2011, day 5.4 – we have focal length

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It should have come as no great surprise to me that I got the focal length right on the first try this time. After all, I already had a scope that could […]



Polar Alignment Calculations

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Here’s a page that derives Polar Alignment Calculations. (update 5/2020: the original site is gone, so I found the text on Wayback and am inserting it below. This is by the original […]


Gear / Observatory / Telescope

Special Guest Star takes the mount at Hilltop O

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The Astro Jedi needed somewhere to store his light sab—- I mean, bucket, and I was only too happy to accommodate him. I have decided that I need to come to a […]


General / Maintenance / Observatory

Dome shutter is motorized again!

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I finally decided to bite the bullet and fix the shutter motor. Things went sideways last winter, and I’ve been opening the shutter manually (and tying it shut with rope, so we […]



Trixie 2017 – tube mods

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I finally got around to cutting the MTA-UTA tubes to length; the only eyepiece that would come to focus with the focuser spacer in place is the Televue 55mm Plossl. If I […]