The skies cleared a little just at dusk today. It’s been raining hard for several days, I wasn’t ready for any sky tonight.

4th NJP counterweight was in the travel gear from the eclipse. I added some weight with the new UTA, the stack of 4 is pretty close to the end of the CW shaft, with beer can extension. 😮 This is not a light scope.

I decided to put a heavy eyepiece in, to simulate a camera. I added the rail-mounted counterweights, to compensate, and predictably added a bit of twist.

The balance point moved forward quite a bit; I used steel electrical conduit for the UTA cage tubes (there is definitely lighter weight stuff), 3/4″ MDF ring and focuser board (3/4″ ply is no lightweight, but MDF is made of solid Higgs Boson, or so I’m told.

I’d also, like I said, be interested in re-mounting the scope with all 3/4″, or all 1/2″, or… who knows. Let me get her collimated. Watch the moon grow, and get the finder and guider all mounted and aligned. And let me get some measurements, will she flex?

Orthogonality is another question. I think I’m pretty close. But I haven’t machined the mount plate and saddle and &c. One thing at a time.

For now, Trixie’s up on the NJP again. It’s hard to get enough distance within the dome, to get the whole scope in the photo.

I love the placeholder parts. Not enough to keep them, mind you.

I can collimate in the rain (or during the day), running the image train always takes a bit of work. Trixie almost needs a permanent set… backlog.

OK, Trixie. Roll up the sleeves, and let’s go.

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