Camera / Deep Sky / Long Exposure Photography / Techniques

So many wheels…

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It’s been a few nights of unguided astronomy, as I get my feet under me with new gear. The ASI294 continues to make life easy, as it just plugged in where the […]


Camera / Gear / Maintenance

New Gear Night

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I had been playing with Raspberry Pi 4 (running INDI/Ekos/KStars) to see if it is a valid replacement for ASCOM. So far, it’s still not quite there, for my motley set of […]


Camera / Gear

A new camera for Hilltop Observatory

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I finally bit the bullet and picked up a “real” astro camera, a ZWO ASI294MC Pro. It’s a cooled one-shot-color camera with similar FOV to the Canon T3i that it’s replacing. I […]


Deep Sky / Gear / Long Exposure Photography / Telescope

Beauty the 12″ f/4 Newtonian Astrograph — First light

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After spending some of my bonus last year on a new telescope, I spent a long (long) time getting the observatory ready to run with the new rig. There’s a story here, […]


Gear / Observatory / Telescope

Special Guest Star takes the mount at Hilltop O

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The Astro Jedi needed somewhere to store his light sab—- I mean, bucket, and I was only too happy to accommodate him. I have decided that I need to come to a […]


ATM / Gear / Maintenance / Techniques / Telescope

Trixie 2017 – First Light

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After only nine days of penance to the New Telescope Curse, the astronomy gods handed me a break tonight, clear skies and a 6-day moon. Of course, by the time I was […]


ATM / Gear / Telescope

Trixie 2017 and 04026 — Together again

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The skies cleared a little just at dusk today. It’s been raining hard for several days, I wasn’t ready for any sky tonight. 4th NJP counterweight was in the travel gear from […]


ATM / Gear / Telescope

Trixie rebuild 2017 – Parts is parts.

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I have decided to keep the LTA as-is (I had considered moving the middle ring, but pole seats take a Lot of mental effort to do correctly, so I’m going to stick […]


ATM / Gear / Maintenance / Telescope

Soon, Trixie. Soon.

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Because I’ve made so much progress on the observatory of late, I was looking over my Bookmarks, to see if anything needed updating. Trixie (look in the tag cloud) is on-hold right […]


Focuser / Gear / Maintenance / Observatory

Spring time – Pumpkin out, Cassie in

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I’ve been working over Astromart again, trying to build up a “big boy” set of eyepieces, you know, for that public outreach I never do 🙂 Anyway, so far I’ve picked up […]



Polar Alignment Calculations

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Here’s a page that derives Polar Alignment Calculations. (update 5/2020: the original site is gone, so I found the text on Wayback and am inserting it below. This is by the original […]


Gear / Observatory / Telescope

Special Guest Star takes the mount at Hilltop O

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The Astro Jedi needed somewhere to store his light sab—- I mean, bucket, and I was only too happy to accommodate him. I have decided that I need to come to a […]


General / Maintenance / Observatory

Dome shutter is motorized again!

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I finally decided to bite the bullet and fix the shutter motor. Things went sideways last winter, and I’ve been opening the shutter manually (and tying it shut with rope, so we […]



Trixie 2017 – tube mods

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I finally got around to cutting the MTA-UTA tubes to length; the only eyepiece that would come to focus with the focuser spacer in place is the Televue 55mm Plossl. If I […]