Gear / General / Maintenance / Mount

Settling in

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The paint is dry on the pier topper, so I remounted it in the observatory. As I put in each part, I checked that each was level. As I suspected, the top […]


Gear / General / Maintenance / Mount

Setting up for the long haul

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I headed out to the observatory this morning to level the pier. I had originally planned on it being a quick task, then ready for tonight (which is supposed to have some […]


General / Maintenance / Mount / Techniques

Which way is up?

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I spent the night polar aligning the NJP. Man, I love the sound of the mount as it slews. It’s… hard to describe. The polar scope (and its attendant app) got me […]


Gear / Mount

Strange Celestial Noises

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Every mount has a different characteristic sound to it. The CG-5GT was very loud and coffee-grinder-y. The G-11 spooled up fast and had a quieter but very distinctive whine. The NJP is […]


Gear / Maintenance / Mount

Fits and starts

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As with any new piece of gear, the NJP is going to take a little work to get it up and running in the observatory. I knew that I was going to […]


Gear / Mount

Dawn breaks on the NJP Age

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…at Ad Astra Observatory. The new mount showed up in 3 hefty boxes from FedEx and USPS yesterday. Here’s the very large and heavy NJP head. The signed certificate from the factory […]


Gear / Mount

Always darkest just before the dawn

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The dawn of the NJP Age is coming. The mount is in transit, should arrive tomorrow. I have my fingers crossed that it will be a “drop-in” solution. I worry that the […]


Accessory / Focuser / Gear / Maintenance / Observing Reports / Techniques / Technology

FocusMax – relearning the V-curve

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Things have changed a lot since the last time that I ran Focusmax. Among other things, I have built up a whole new astro-PC, and I never really understood FM well enough […]


Accessory / Focuser / Gear / Maintenance / Technology

Pumpkin focuser characteristics

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ASCOM driver: EasyFocus Min steps: 0 Max steps: 30000 Speed: 250/Full Pumpkin + 300d + FF/FR + no Ha + IDAS LPS = position 23456


ATM / Camera / Gear / Technology

“Little” is the new “guidescope”

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I love it when a plan comes together. I picked up a new autoguider over the weekend. I also picked up a second 9×50 finder about 2 weeks ago. I only needed […]



Polar Alignment Calculations

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Here’s a page that derives Polar Alignment Calculations. (update 5/2020: the original site is gone, so I found the text on Wayback and am inserting it below. This is by the original […]


Gear / Observatory / Telescope

Special Guest Star takes the mount at Hilltop O

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The Astro Jedi needed somewhere to store his light sab—- I mean, bucket, and I was only too happy to accommodate him. I have decided that I need to come to a […]


General / Maintenance / Observatory

Dome shutter is motorized again!

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I finally decided to bite the bullet and fix the shutter motor. Things went sideways last winter, and I’ve been opening the shutter manually (and tying it shut with rope, so we […]



Trixie 2017 – tube mods

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I finally got around to cutting the MTA-UTA tubes to length; the only eyepiece that would come to focus with the focuser spacer in place is the Televue 55mm Plossl. If I […]