It’s been really cloudy in Washington. That’s normal for spring. Well, really, it’s normal for whatever time of year. It’s a cloudy place.

The clouds, coupled with my total lack of astronomy equipment, have kept my focus on terra firma for the past few weeks.

A couple of days ago, I was up at the new observatory site (yes, there is a house on it — focus, people!), and it was a spectacularly clear day; everyone was complaining about how they were getting sunburnt (oh, please).

I’d seen the moon a few days before, and it had been around 1st quarter, so as the sun started to set, I decided to check the eastern horizon to see if the moon had risen yet. It hadn’t.

So I checked my ephemerides that evening, and found that it was a full moon that night.

How embarrassing. I lost my moon.

I still haven’t seen it in the past couple of days — I’ve been busy watching things in the world instead of above it again.

I’ll find you eventually, Luna. Count on it.

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