Greetings. Pocket change is fine. I have a couple of pieces that I need
to dump myself.

Need to get rid of that DSI before the price drops too low. Might see if
anyone’s into a trade for the Orion autoguider. I think that it works in
both Max and Gemini now. Also, I have a white light solar filter for the
ED80 that I forgot to get rid of when I dumped the scope. Stuff’s just

taking up space now.

Stay away from that TEC 140. No good can come of it.

I need to figure out how to tune my field flattener for Pumpkin. It’s
still not quite right. Can’t use it as a widefield lens if the field is

I hate Sue French. I can’t see anything she puts in her articles, and

they’re always 1′x1′, so they’re way too small for me to photograph. I
was about to tell S&T to lump it entirely until the “Suburban Skies” guy
came along, but apparently there’s very little room between “ultra
hardcore already viewed the entire NGC” and “morons who can’t find M13

with GOTO and a star chart”. I need to write an article for
astrophotographers, listing good targets by size and brightness. “You’ll
need at least an hour of exposure at f/5 on this one”.

A big dob is not directly conducive to remote photography. Field rotator
required, plus how the heck do you house the thing? OTOH, you often have
the “so crazy it just might work” thing going for you, so you work that


Selling astrophotography gear for eyepieces. It just ain’t right.

I need to get out under the stars. I’m sick of having broken gear. I may
even install the finder bracket with the scope still mounted, because
I’m done with this whole “scope’s still under construction” thing.


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