Hi Jimbo,
Sounds like you need to increase the load capacity of the focuser. Turn the
2 set screws located under the MoonLite logo in a CW direction about 1/20th
of a turn (very little amount) and test with your heavest load.
BTW- a CR2 can hold up to 8lbs, the CR1 is only about half that. You may
want to get the focuser upgraded to a CR2 for the higher lifting capacity if
the adjsutment above does not gain you enough.Plus it is nice to have a dual
rate focuser 🙂 You can have it upgraded for just the difference in cost- In
your case $100. Just drop it in the mail along with a check for $100 plus $7
retrun shipping.
We make 1/4” 1/2” and 1” spacers, If you need a size in between just let me
know and I’ll cut one down for you.
Take Care
Ron Newman
114 N Ardmoor Ave
Danville PA 17821
—– Original Message —–
From: “Jimbo S. Harris” <moonlite@jimbo.net>
To: “Ron Newman” <moonlite@focuser.com>
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 12:09 AM
Subject: CR-1 shims
> Hi,
> I’m trying to shim my CR-1 focuser to make it easier to bring my camera to
> focus. I bought the focuser for my Orion XT8 (actually, their 8” f/5, not
> the f/6 XT8, but I replaced the same stock Orion focuser, so…), and it
> came with a radius block and a 1” (?) shim to bring the focus plane to the
> same spot as the stock focuser did. That worked fine for visual work, but
> I didn’t have enough backfocus to bring my cameras (I use a webcam and/or
> a DSLR) to focus, so I removed the shim, and now the DSLR comes to focus
> without a hitch.
> At the time that I removed the shim, I called Moonlite, and you suggested
> that I get back to you with a measurement so that I could re-shim the
> focuser low enough for the camera to work. Well, I finally got around to
> it, and it looks like the camera comes to focus with the CR-1 racked out a
> bit shy of 1/2” (I’d say it’s something like 7/16”, but 3/8” is a bit more
> conservative). What thicknesses of shims/spacers do you stock? How much
> for one?
> Another question on a related note: the focuser is plenty strong enough to
> lift the heavy DSLR, but it tends to slip out of focus (focus wheels
> turning, etc) when I let go. At the moment, I’m using a strap to hold the
> camera in place relative to the focuser, but there has to be a better way.
> Is there an adjustment I can make to the focuser to tighten up the action
> a bit? Do you have a focus lock accessory? I love the smooth feel of my
> Moonlite focuser, but I’d be willing for a little rougher feel if that’s
> what it took to hold the camera in place at zenith.
> Thanks for your help.
> Best,
> Jimbo S. Harris
> mailto:moonlite@jimbo.net
Observatory 2.0 – Time has come today!
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First Light, a deeper look
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Observatory 2.0 – Result!
Observatory 2.0 – The Pier goes in
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Martin Farmer Wormblock installation notes
Deep Sky / Long Exposure Photography
NGC2244, The Rosette Nebula
Deep Sky / Long Exposure Photography
Another beautiful night.