This is from the first night after I performed the “filterectomy” on the Nikon D70.
This is a stack of 12 30 second images shot from my light-polluted Newark backyard (”total imaging time” is 6 minutes).
Compare to the stack of 2 5 minute images shot from (extremely) dark sky up at Shingletown. Wow, wow, wow.
This is an RRGB image (I used the Red channel for both color and luminance data).
This is the contents of the Red channel from the above shot.
This is wideband shot, not shot through a Hydrogen-alpha filter. Oh, Sagittarius is *really* low from my yard, too.
Had to catch M8 in between The Palm Tree and the roof of the observatory.
Observatory 2.0 – Time has come today!
General / Maintenance
First Light, a deeper look
Mount / Observatory / Telescope
Observatory 2.0 – Result!
Observatory 2.0 – The Pier goes in
Gear / General / Maintenance
Martin Farmer Wormblock installation notes
Deep Sky / Long Exposure Photography
NGC2244, The Rosette Nebula
Deep Sky / Long Exposure Photography
Another beautiful night.