After several days of clouds, and with a freak hailstorm this afternoon, the storm blew itself out for a bit, and we got clear skies for an hour or so right after sunset.
Once dinner got all done with, Jr. Astronomer and I had just enough time before bed for a short, 20 minute peek at the sky. It’s pretty chilly out; I had on my ski jacket (she got her hair caught in the Velcro — sorry, Jr!). We saw the Zodiac from Aries through Leo, Orion and the Dogs, and the Dipper and The Gazelle Tracks. We also noted Auriga and the Kids.
Just as bedtime was approaching, the clouds started to roll in. What a beautiful night, and a very pleasant, if short, visual observing session.
Observatory 2.0 – Time has come today!
General / Maintenance
First Light, a deeper look
Mount / Observatory / Telescope
Observatory 2.0 – Result!
Observatory 2.0 – The Pier goes in
Gear / General / Maintenance
Martin Farmer Wormblock installation notes
Deep Sky / Long Exposure Photography
NGC2244, The Rosette Nebula
Deep Sky / Long Exposure Photography
Another beautiful night.