So I’m on 2 trips, lasting 2 weeks each, in the next 6 weeks.

As you know by now, the astrophotography part of the month is only 2 weeks long (from 3 days past full to 3 days past new).

So my first trip, I leave between 1st Q and full (worst part of the month for astronomy), and return on last quarter ( 10 days of astrophotography left! ). For the next trip, I leave on new + 3 (literally at the beginning of the “bad” part of the month), and I get back 2 days before full (so a few days before the “good part” starts up). If CTT wants me back onsite for the go-live, that’s new + 2 (basically getting to the end of it).

So basically, I have 2-3 trips scheduled this summer, and I’ll only be home for a week to 10 days between them, but each time I’m home, I’m basically smack dab in the middle of good astronomy time.

It’s better to be lucky than good.

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