That’s good to hear.
Thanks for the update.
—- “Jimbo S. Harris” <jimbo@jimbo.net> wrote:
> Hi James,
> Knowing how a unipolar stepper motor works, I was not at all surprised at
> this result, but I thought you should know.
> I just received the Robo-Focus motor for my new C-8 SCT (it attaches to the
> original focus knob). I was pretty confident that I could buy the “motor
> only” package, since you said in the documentation that your EasyFocus
> controller is pin-compatible with Robo-Focus. I hooked up the motor to the
> hand controller, and the motor responded perfectly to the hand controller
> buttons and also to movement commands from the PC (through the EasyFocus
> ASCOM driver, of course).
> In short, the EasyFocus controller can now control either of my imaging
> OTAs, by simply popping the cable off of one and hooking it up to the other.
> It would have been easy to pick a different pinout for your motor. Making
> sure it’s compatible has really enhanced my ease-of-use. The EasyFocus
> controller, which could have been just another accessory, has become a
> major player in my observatory.
> Thank you very, very much.
> Best regards,
> Jimbo S. Harris
> Newark, CA
Observatory 2.0 – Time has come today!
General / Maintenance
First Light, a deeper look
Mount / Observatory / Telescope
Observatory 2.0 – Result!
Observatory 2.0 – The Pier goes in
Gear / General / Maintenance
Martin Farmer Wormblock installation notes
Deep Sky / Long Exposure Photography
NGC2244, The Rosette Nebula
Deep Sky / Long Exposure Photography
Another beautiful night.