Level-setting – a shop is born

I’ve gone through teaching myself woodworking at a fairly slow pace. In particular, I’ve had to pick and choose projects that fit the tools that I have on hand, and until now, I’ve been missing a critical member of the team, so my projects choices have been limited.

All that changed on Saturday.

Welcome to the shop, Grizzly G1022 table saw.

All of a sudden, a lot more projects are possible. Dealing with large sheets of plywood, squaring off boards wider than 12″, … the possibilities are endless.

I bought the saw from a woodworker who had built a whole set of kitchen cabinets with it. It’s about 12 years old, but going strong. Grizzly saws are made locally, in Bellingham.

First task out of the box is to build a torsion box for a new CNC machine. Then a workbench for the shop, some bookcases for the study… I’ll be busy during the rainy season this year.

Welcome aboard, Grizzly. I hope you’re ready to work.

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Web app idea

I think that I would like a more personal version of digg.

For instance, over the years, I have tagged (by sending the links as emails to my friends) several xkcd strips as “Like”. But there is no way for me to grab just the “liked” strips, other than with bookmarks (a very messy way to store this information).

There should be a web front-end so that I can surf a given website, but only see the links (or search filters, or whatever) on it that I’ve tagged in the past.

It goes back to my idea of a 3D lattice of web searches, that was obviated (at the time) by tabbed browsing.

But there’s still more to it. I would like to go back to that search I was doing 6 months ago, and remember where I was at the time.


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Many of my thoughts end up in email instead of on the blog. Either they are too disjointed, or too personal, to share in this kind of forum. Or perhaps I’m just used to sharing with a directed audience instead of the faceless “masses” that I’m sure are hanging on my every update here.

Anyway. Most of that stuff will probably never make it over here. Spur of the moment thoughts that get recorded in a different medium.

Like the jMoria source code, which is printed on 11×17 paper in a box in my garage. Some excellent thoughts rendered unattainable by the choice of format they are stored in.


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XBMC — it’s pretty good

I have been looking for a solution for my home media for some time now. I got into the DVD revolution early, and amassed over 600 titles that I have been storing in DVD jukeboxes for years. The jukes work, but you sort of have to know what you’re doing, or else they can get into sketchy states. Kristi has always hated them, so the DVDs went largely unwatched.

With the rise of cheap terabyte-class hard drives, I have been thinking that ripping the DVD collection into some kind of online format would be better.

I have been slowly working my way through the collection, but since each disk takes about 10 hours to rip and burn, it’s a decidedly slow process. I’ll get there eventually.

The other problem, though, is what to do with the movies once they’re ripped. Using a mouse and keyboard is only going to put them farther out of reach.

A couple years ago, I bought a Mac mini, with the hope that I’d be able to turn it into a media center PC. It has a lot going for it: DVI video output, optical audio output, excellent network connectivity, and it can even be controlled with an IR remote!

The Mac comes with Front Row, which can grab files out of the iTunes Library and display them using the remote. The problem is that my movies were ripped into MKV, which is not iTunes compatible. And anything that is downloaded form torrent (not that I would ever do that) is also probably not iTunes compatible. So I needed some kind of a solution that worked like FrontPage, but had the codecs that I needed in order to run a wider range of media files.

Enter XBMC.

It was originally called “XBox Media Center”, and was designed to run on Xbox or Xbox 360 and turn them into media center PCs. It is open-source, and free, and has been ported to Windows, OSX, and Linux (as well as iPad, Apple TV, and others). There are various skins for it that make it look and feel like Xbox, like Front Row, or like a dozen other things.

And it’s easy.

Download the .dmg, install, run it, and point it at the proper folders, and you’ve got movies available with an IR remote interface. It knows how to grab movies across the LAN (via SMB or other methods). It goes and downloads metadata for the movies, including poster, plot synopsis, and release data. It even creates filters by genre and actors so that you can decide “I want to watch a John Cusack movie” and there they are.

Sure, there needs to be a little cleanup in the filenames and things in my media folder. And of course, I need the other 550 movies and TV shows to become available on HDD.

But I have a solution for HTPC now. And it just … works.

Very cool.

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Digital media and you

I have over 600 DVDs in my collection. I have been using a constellation of DVD jukeboxes to store and organize them, but this is not a good solution for my family. They are fragile and sometimes hard to access in this format.

So, I am working out how to move forward. I have been thinking that I will rip them to hard disk, and then find some kind of way to play them on the TV from there.

At the moment, XBMC looks like a good option.

I need some disks. And a lot of time.

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Where you at?

Probably the most common phrase ever uttered on a cell phone. Competes with “You still there?” of course. 🙂

Anyway, back to the show.

I built myself an Arduino-based GPS receiver last night. I used the GPS Logging Shield from Adafruit (all hail Ladyada), an EM-406A GPS module from Sparkfun (Ladyada was out of stock, and Digikey was more expensive, for shame). The shield went together without a hitch. I used stacking headers on it, with the intention of putting a protoshield on top of it, but I think that this will not be the long-term solution; the GPS shield in “prototyping mode” can’t really be stacked-upon, and in “finished project mode”, I won’t need a protoshield, because I can just solder headers onto the GPS shield (not to mention blocking the antenna defeats the purpose).

I might desolder the ICSP header from the Arduino; it’s irritating to remove the shield every time you want to get at the SD card.

True to form, though, the shield works really, really well. The example sketch is enough to get something fun done. Within minutes of finishing the soldering, I had a satellite lock and tracking log on the SD card. I GPS’d my way to work today, and was duly impressed with the data I’m getting off the chip.

The values are a little shaky when I’m walking or standing still. But for driving down the road, it worked pretty well. Perhaps taking fewer readings when the speed drops would help calm some of the jitter.

I also think it’s only accurate to about half an arcsecond or so, which sounds like a lot, but it’s about 200′ (62m). That seems pretty loose. I’ll have to do some more testing.

The SD card eats up 4 Arduino pins.
The GPS needs “around” 5 more (TX, RX, PWR, LED1, LED2). One could get away with using fewer; RX (data *to* the GPS) could be tied to ground, and the LEDs are not strictly necessary.

Anyway, that leaves 5 digital pins on a standard Arduino. 3 more go to drive the LCD (I’m giving up on the diode/resistor AND gate thing, because it makes the LCD software more difficult), and I need at least one for a “select” button. That means that, even if the Arduino and GPS share serial pins, I’m down to 1 digital pin left. Time to break into those analog pins! 🙂

Honestly, I can’t think of much more hardware that I want for a GPS tracker. Maybe a button for the LCD backlight. Maybe a “quick waypoint” button. shrug.

Eventually, I’d like to have some or all of the following features:
– NMEA passthrough (PC sees it as a GPS module)
– PC sees it as an SD card reader
– save waypoints
– current heading/position
– distance/heading to waypoint
– speed-controlled logging (reduce jitter when stopped or walking)
– menus controlled by pot/button

for now, I have a little track logger to play with.

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prepping for Maker Faire

I dragged out the Arduino last night. It had been some time since I’d set up any circuits, and I wanted to get back in the game, so to speak, before going to Maker Faire.

I have an abbreviated set of electronics kit with me, and so there are pieces and parts that I can’t exactly use until I get back to a real workbench.

Among things that I think I have enough parts to drive:
– 20×4 LCD (I have the whole 2-wire LCD circuit set up on a breadboard)
– 3 servo motors
– ultrasonic distance sensor
– passive IR motion detector
– speaker
– Wii nunchuck
– BlinkM

I have 2 Arduinos (one Duemilanove and one Boarduino), and several shields:
– data logger
– motor shield
– LoL shield
– 2 protoshields

I couldn’t get the LCD working because I’d scrounged parts off of the circuit, including the all-important contrast pot. For some reason, pots don’t work in my life. I tried out the only one I could find in my kit, and it isn’t breadboard compatible. grr.
Would have been nice to have some textual output. Serial monitor it is.

I then tried out the BlinkM and the Wiichuck. There was a sample sketch online that got those working together, kinda cool.

Then I went back to an old nemesis, controlling servos with the Wiichuck. I eventually got it pretty stable with a single servo, but when I added the second one, things got a little twitchy. I am not exactly sure why it’s so twitchy, but it’s very irritating. I got it kind of working and it got late so I went to bed. I’ll look at it some more later.

I don’t know that I necessarily pushed the pickle forward very much. It was good to get back in the swing, but I didn’t really make anything awesome yet.

I am thinking that a basic GPS/datalogger could be handy. keep track of the position once per minute or so, have a button to set a memory point, maybe have a “go to memory point” mode (“go such and such distance in this and so direction”). I don’t know if it can be done with a single arduino, but I’m willing to try.

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Partly Cloud-y

I’ve been poking around on “the internet” for quite some time.

It occurs to me that things that we do on the ‘net now were laughably impossible just a few years ago. I remember when it was uncommon for a computer to have a network card; now I carry at least 2 wifi-capable devices on my person for an overnight trip away from home.

For all the advances that we’ve made, I can still see that there’s room for improvement. I’m sitting in an airport, with an hour to kill before my flight. There’s “free public wifi” in the airport, which works flawlessly. Except…

I keep locking up Netflix while trying to stream video across the ‘net.

It’s funny to me that my first reaction to this was irritation. Two years ago, I wouldn’t have expected to be online while sitting here, not without some “special” hardware or jumping through a few hoops. 5 years ago, I wouldn’t have tried to stream video at home, let alone “out in public”. 10 years ago, my computer could barely play a DVD.

Yet here I sit, “the internet” has failed me again. I can imagine this post will look pretty funny a few years down the road.

I’ll stick to surfing, maybe play a video off the hard drive.

Welcome to “the cloud”.

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CNC router mount finally gets shifted

Because of the way that the original router mount was designed, I lost a lot of usable router bit length. So I redesigned it immediately; it was the first real job I ran on the CNC machine.

But, because the new mount effectively shifted the router downward by about 3″, I lost a lot of router travel, because in order to clear the workpiece, I had to raise the Z-axis almost all the way to the top.

The mount needed shifting to compensate, but, with one thing and another, I’d never gotten around to it.

I finally decided to take care of that yesterday, with nice results:

As you can see, all it took was drilling a couple of new holes a bit higher up on the Z-axis sides. It’s hard to see in the photo, but the collet still sits below the Z-axis side, so it’s easy to change bits.

All of a sudden, I have about 4″ of travel in the Z axis! nice!

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CNC update – endmills

I have a DeWalt palm router (I’ll get the model number later). It has a collet, not a chuck, so it can take 1/4″ shank bits only. Speed change bits don’t work. Just round-shank router bits.

I ran the endmill into a bolt head yesterday, and that pretty well ruined it. So, while I am waiting for another 1/4″ endmill to arrive, I am casting about trying to figure out how to continue working.

Regular router bits are not very good at drilling.

I have been trying to figure out how to get my router to accept 1/8″ bits, because Roto-Zip bits are widely available and very cheap, so I wouldn’t mind if I ate one on a bolt head, y’know?

A lot of DIY CNC’ers use these palm routers, but most buy either the Porter Cable 7310 or the Bosch Colt (PR20EVSK). SO I can find replacement collets for these routers, but not for my DeWalt. So it turns out that Porter Cable and DeWalt are owned by the same company. And the 7310 and my router seem to have the exact same outer casing, so I have every reason to believe that a 7310 collet will fit the DeWalt. But I am not sure that they are exactly the same, and replacement collets are not exactly cheap.

So while I was at the hardware store, I found out an important piece of information: The Bosch Colt and the Porter Cable 7310 can use the same collet nut! w00t! This opens my options considerably.

I need to take in the collet nut from my router to see if it will fit the other two.

Also, I found a Roto-Zip attachment that converts a 1/4″ shank into a 1/8″ shank. Nice!

I also bought a 1/4″ router bit with a 1″ blade, so at least I can do the profiling I need to do.

In all, it was a successful trip to the hardware store.

And I may be on the road to using 1/8″ bits, which means I can start thinking PCB. Or detail work.

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