I had just a short session working on the CNC today.
I moved the router downwards in the mount so that I could reach the collet nut. This makes getting at the button more difficult, but nothing a flat screwdriver couldn’t handle.
I also used one of the hollow core doors for the lower shelf of the table, and moved the PC down there. I will need longer cat5 cables, and the use of the door as opposed to something thin like plywood means I still can’t get the monitor to fit down there. Meh. More work required there.
The list of “little” CNC projects is starting to grow; so far I know of:
– enclosure for super pid
– little mounts for the homing switches and magnets
– an enclosure for an arduino and logging shield
– a simple serving paddle for Anthony
– Lucy’s door sign (this one could be more complex)
Time to get this machine working.