Level-setting – a shop is born

I’ve gone through teaching myself woodworking at a fairly slow pace. In particular, I’ve had to pick and choose projects that fit the tools that I have on hand, and until now, I’ve been missing a critical member of the team, so my projects choices have been limited.

All that changed on Saturday.

Welcome to the shop, Grizzly G1022 table saw.

All of a sudden, a lot more projects are possible. Dealing with large sheets of plywood, squaring off boards wider than 12″, … the possibilities are endless.

I bought the saw from a woodworker who had built a whole set of kitchen cabinets with it. It’s about 12 years old, but going strong. Grizzly saws are made locally, in Bellingham.

First task out of the box is to build a torsion box for a new CNC machine. Then a workbench for the shop, some bookcases for the study… I’ll be busy during the rainy season this year.

Welcome aboard, Grizzly. I hope you’re ready to work.

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