After a kind Christmas gift from R, to get me started, (how did you know? <3) I have been dipping my toes into the Home Automation hobby. There are several places in the house where some previous owner made a variety of questionable decisions about where to place switches, and putting light sources in strange places. So, I installed a proof-of-concept, a switch and outlet that are paired together, despite being on different circuits. The parts go in pretty easy these days, although the in-wall units do take up a bit of junction box space. You also need to have neutral in the switch box, which means only certain runs can be automated. There are a number of ways to go about it, though; the switch, the outlet, the fixture, or even the bulb can be the "smart" bit. With that working (adding voice control is almost too easy), I took inventory of the switches in the house, and decided on the first set I wanted to swap out. There are a couple of 4-gang boxes around, and what with one thing and another, I realized I needed to swap them all at once. That is, there were a couple of switches (among the 8) that could have been left as-is, but I needed to replace the faceplate anyway... I'm still mid-build on getting all those put in. I was close, then decided to go the extra mile with this home renovation project, and replace one of the wall junction boxes. It was a whole thing. So, I'm off to the hardware store tomorrow, and there is still some more wiring-fu that will need to happen. But, it was pretty cool to walk through the floor and call out "Alex, turn off X" ... and *magic*. Alexa, thank you.
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