I just had my yearly stress-out about my app expiring. Apple warns you for about a month before the thing expires, and of course I wait until the last minute every time.
Here’s the workflow that worked, first try, once I did *all* the steps.
1) Keychain Access -> login certs -> delete both the “Developer” Cert and the “Distribution” Cert.
2) developer.apple.com -> iOS Provisioning Portal:
2a) Under “Certificates”, *revoke* both the dev and dist certs.
3) Keychain Access (named menu) -> Cert Assistant -> Request new cert from signing authority …-> save to file (saves to desktop)
3a) on the iOS provisioning portal, request a new dev and dist cert, using the desktop file
Now you have certificates. Check this in Keychain Access (and delete the old ones; look at the dates)
4) iOS Provisioning Portal -> Provisioning -> Development Profile create a new one and make sure it’s attached to the latest Dev cert (it’s a checkbox) and choose the correct app (for me, it’s the second “ChooseIt” on the list) and the correct devices (for ad hoc).
5) Do the same thing under the Provisioning -> Distribution Profile.
6) Load XCode -> Organizer and check that the new profiles are in there, or download/import them.
7) In XCode, go to the project window, click the “folder” icon at upper left, choose the topmost “project” icon, and look for the code signing stuff in the center window. Set “Any iOS Version” for “Release” to “Dist” profile and “any iOS Version” for “Debug” to “Dev” profile, everything else to “Do not sign”. Then Clean and Build (might have to stop/restart XCode first). When you get a clean build (I had to go make sure the keychain had only one set of certs and the Organizer had only one set of profiles at this point)…
8) Go back to Organizer -> Archive? (the one with the big app icon and 3 buttons to the right), choose “Share…” -> .ipa -> and name and save the file. Run the .ipa and it will install itself into iTunes.
And that should be that. Now go write yourself a blog entry so you’ll remember how to do it again next year.
oh, wait.