CNC Build, Day 5 – rails and prep work

It took me a bit, but I figured out what rails I need for the new machine (T6 6061 structural aluminum, as opposed to 6063 architectural aluminum), and was able to order and pick them up from Online (which turns out to be Seattle-based, over in Ballard).

While I was there, I met another customer of theirs who was, by chance, also picking up 6061 rail to build a CNC machine. Small world, I guess. Hes building an Adruino-based desktop style machine, so we had a blast chatting about steppers and motor drivers and G-code and software and &c.

When I got home, I realized that if I was going to do any cutting on Saturday, I needed to get the CNC machine all set up. So I spent a couple hours getting the motors installed, getting the computer all hooked up, and generally making ready to cut for the weekend.

I eventually found most of the required parts (still looking for the teflon grease for the axes), and the machine is ready to go in the morning.

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