Ah, CNC. The promise of turning idea into creation.
The idea of owning a CNC machine appeals to me on many levels.
I often have project ideas that I can’t figure out how to construct because of my limited toolset or skill with the tools I own.
Being able to accurately cut and drill wood and PCB opens the possibility of many nifty contraptions.
I have been trying to figure out motors in general and steppers in particular for quite some time.
Like mirror grinding, I like the idea of something that can be made with rough hand tools, but produce a precision result.
And of course there are very few objects that require a true renaissance man constellation of disciplines: woodwork, engineering, electronics, drafting, and art. Mediums include wood, metal, electricity, hardware, firmware, software, and infrastructure. Translations from thought to drawing to G-code to a pulse train to physical movement to a cut piece… it feels like the very essence of what it is to be a Maker.
I will attempt to figure out how to create this, my golden plow.